My Triple Eagle Friend

This blog is part of my effort to pass on the wisdom of my Triple Eagle friend to those that aren't lucky enough to be a Triple Eagle, or have a Triple Eagle friend. If the closest you have come to a BC education is eating a sub at the College Pizza place near campus, this blog is for you.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

An older recent story:

I recently knocked upon the door of my Triple Eagle friend, hoping to get his reaction to John Kerry's joke that insulted so many in our armed forces. I found him in his study, writing in his journal in Latin.

After informing him what Kerry had said, he laid a BC paperweight on top of his journal, and scratched his chin.

"Stupidity is not the sole province of the Democratic Party," he said.

I could tell I was getting some real wisdom here, so I urged him on.

"For example, John Boehner, the House majority leader, sent a missive on Oct. 20 that accuses Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, of having stood "shoulder to shoulder" with President Clinton in cutting the intelligence budget.

"Democrats can be weak on national security," I said. "Why would this surprise anyone?"

My Triple Eagle friend glared at me.

"But what Boehner neglects to mention is that Pelosi was joined by many Republicans on these votes," he said. "Dana Rohrabacher, one of the most conservative members of the House, twice cast the same votes as Pelosi on the budget."

My Triple Eagle friend peered at me over his glasses.

"Now, has Boehner ever directly accused his Republican collegues of 'undermining the intelligence community?'" he asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"It was a rhetorical question." he shot back.

I nodded as though I understood, but really I was trying to memorize all of the words he had said so that I could parrot his opinion as my own later on.

He turned his attention from me, and picked up his journal. I could tell it was time for me to leave, and bid farewell.


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